In addition, WSB Registration Step 1 of 9 11% US Trademark Application Package $1975We are proud to register trademark for Canada, USA, Europe and Global Market since 2002. We are a registered member of Industry Canada and our experienced specialists have done thousands of trademark filing, searches and prepared thousands of opinions. We analyze several factors to decide if your brand is worth pursuing. We check if the Trademark Office might reject your trademark for formal reasons. We analyze all look-alike, sound-alike, and mean-alike trademarks and pending applications. Our opinion is included with each of our packages.Included in Package✔ Government Fees✔ Drafting the application✔ Filing the application✔ Download when ready Your DetailsHow fast do you want to file?Regular Queue: File in FOUR WEEKS $00Express Queue: File in ONE WEEK $99Super Express Queue: File in NEXT DAY $199Please Select Your RoleI'm the applicant or employee of the applicantI'm an agent or representative of the applicantYour Full Name First Middle Last Email Address Your Phone NumberFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the whole process?Application >Initial Examination >Approval >Advertisement >Allowance >Registration. Click here to know details on it. Terademark Search Report: Short or DetailedChoose Your Trademark Search ReportObtain short trademark search report $99Obtain detailed trademark search report $199It's all about how much likelihood of rejection you want to take. A detailed report gives more likelihood of approval, while short report gives more likelihood of rejection.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich report should I choose?Most people choose detailed report to save time and money. A search report tells the likelihood of getting the trademark approved or declined. The detailed report lists down exact & similar names in all provinces in Canada. A short report does not do such. A decline has also risk of loosing the whole money since govt. does not give refund. Word Only or Design MarkThe word you want as trademarkIs this trademark is word-only, or design mark?word only markword and design markA professional and eligible logo/design requiredI have it, let me upload it $00Let Incorp Pro designer design it $290We have in house professional graphics & logo designer. If you choose our service, the designer will contact you and consult you, in case you any concept or preference in mind. The designer then will design 3 logos based on the concept, you choose one with an unlimited revision options. You will also receive the vector file in case you want to keep it for future edit. Upload eligible logo/designAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is word only mark?Federal govt. give you choice in same fees either to apply for a word (text) only mark or word with a design (logo). The second option is more comprehensive since 'word only' protects the name while second option protects your name and logo both. Ownership & AddressThis trademark is owned byIndividualCorporationPartnershipFull name of the individualFull name of the corporationFull name of the partnershipRegistered Address for the Trademark Street Address City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code Please click here if you don't have a Canadian address To registered a Canadian trademark, a Canadian physical address is required. If you do not have a Canadian physical address, we provide address service that includes mail scanning serviceAddress and Mail Scanning ServiceBuy for ONE YEAR $799Buy for TWO YEARS $1399Frequently Asked QuestionsDoes ownership matter?Of course. A tardemark most commonly owned by a corporation. Normally an individual such as artist or singer may own a trademark as well. Similarly a partnership owned by more than one individuals, may apply for trademark as well. Can I use a PO Box as address?The registered address must be a physical address, not a PO box number. You can update your address later in case you need to do so.Is this address service renewable?Yes, every year it's renewable. Normally price does not change. Applications of TrademarkThis trademark will be be used forGoods (product)ServicesBoth goods and servicesWhat products are labelled with the trademark?What services are labelled with the trademark?Date of first use in CanadaDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Frequently Asked QuestionsHow many products or service should I list down?Well, it could be one or more than one. Listing down the major products or services are sufficient. Can I use past date for first use?Yes, you can. This is an approximate date when you started to use this trademark. Service CustomizationAnalysis and ReviewAnalysis and review service by specialist $299Phone consultation with trademark specialist $399Neither of these services $00Need both of these services $549Want a seal in this trademark name?Yes, prepare embossed seal $89No, do not prepare seal $00Select desired method of deliveryDownload when ready $00Download & deliver by expedited mail $29Frequently Asked QuestionsWill the specialist contact if I choose the service?A specialist will contact if you choose the phone consultation service. The specialist can help regards to trademark requirements. Price SummaryBasic Trademark Package Price: $ 1,975.00 CAD Filing Speed Queue Price: $ 50.00 CAD Trademark Search Report Price: $ 50.00 CAD Eligible logo design Price: $ 50.00 CAD Embossed Seal Price: $ 50.00 CAD Analysis and Review Price: $ 50.00 CAD Address & Mail Scanning Service Price: $ 50.00 CAD Delivery and Shipping Price: $ 29.00 CAD Total $ 0.00 CAD Final Review{all_fields} In addition, learn more about WSB Registrationhere